<VV> Increeasing membership

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Mon Feb 16 12:37:22 EST 2009

Here is my #1 reason - it's kind of long:

The benefit to joining CORSA is that a vibrant club makes owning an  
orphan car much more viable.  There is a direct relationship between  
club support and viability.  In the case of the Corvair, since there  
is no direct manufacturer support (unlike many of the clubs we are  
often compare ourselves to), the existence of an umbrella  
organization is vital to the continued viability of the car to the  
average owner.

Consider this - relatively speaking, we are on par in terms of  
original manufacturer support with something like Hudson.  People  
talk about what the BMW club, the Corvette club, or even the Mustang  
club do, but how many of those were disowned by their manufacturers?   
Then there's the little matter that there are new ones of all three  
in the showrooms now.  As a standalone marque club, we do have things  
in common, but they have advantages (the BMW club is sponsored by BMW  
to start) that we don't share.


On Feb 16, 2009, at 11:50 AM, Corvkid50 at aol.com wrote:

> Ok how's this for a start. Maybe it's already done and I missed it   
> but how
> about we come up with a list of benefits of joining CORSA that  
> every  club can
> supply to prospective members at their next club meeting. ALot of   
> members
> don't have internet access and I think it would be a good way of   
> spreading the
> word. Good Idea?
> This way all clubs can be on the same page.
> Ron T

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