<VV> Communique inprovement, idea number 3

BobHelt at aol.com BobHelt at aol.com
Sun Feb 15 17:40:58 EST 2009

Since past questionnairs have indicated that the members would like an  
increased technical content in the Communique, please have the Editor work with  
the Tech Editors to develop a LIST of tech articles that they would like to  
have published in the Communique. This would be a wish list intended to meet the  
perceived wants and needs of the membership. That would also be a BIG PICTURE 
 overview of what would be the desired tech contents for the Communique to  
enhance member's perception of "WORTH". 
Then request that the members who have the tech knowledge and motivation to  
actually write these articles for the Communique. Corsa could also offer 
writing  guidelines and editing help (via volunteers) for those writers. There are 
a lot  of technically able members out there able and willing to write stuff 
if they  were just asked to do so. This used to be called PRO ACTIVE 
participation if I  remember correctly.
Bob Helt
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