<VV> Question for the group

henry kaczmarek kaczmarek at charter.net
Sun Feb 15 07:50:45 EST 2009

Test for potential director:

Problem: Organization has financial deficit issues, and declining numbers of paid members. 
 Which of these 2 choices makes sense to you. 

A. Losing members who don't pay dues 

B. Losing members who DO pay dues

Maybe I'm just an ignorant Polack, but I know if you have 10 bucks in one hand and nothing in the other hand, And I could have the contents of either hand, I don't think I'd vote for the hand holding nothing.

How about you? 

Should the argument be "it's only x dollars a year" or
we need to keep in the fold the hundreds of members nationwide who don't pay us anything, lets' not piss THEM off for God's sake---If we lose a hundred members who don't pay dues, where will we make up THAT financial shortfall?  

Again, just a dumb Polack thinking out loud.  If you lose 100 members who don't add to your revenue stream, but utilize dollars you ARE spending,  what have you lost?  I do have math block but I would see that as losing NOTHING. 


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