<VV> Wall Hangings and web postings

James P. Rice ricebugg at mtco.com
Fri Dec 18 18:21:56 EST 2009

Timothy and Jay:  Good ideas.  Neither of you need anybodies permission to
put together one or two  ad hoc committees and implement these ideas.  Go
for it.  Belly up and assume responsibility.  So far as I know, neither idea
has been considered before.  But what do I know.

Tim, if you design a wall hanging, contact shops to determine who will hang
them with no cost to them, get a price quote to have them made, and let us
know, I have US$20 to help fund them.

Jay: Same deal.  I'm not a "techie" but I assume a program could be written
and sent to shops to be handed off and installed by their web provider.
Again, I've got US$20 to fund the effort when you and your ad hoc committee
have the leg work done similar to what Tim needs to do.

Anybody else in?

Historically Yours,
			James Rice

PS: Timothy, Colorado to Iowa is all down hill, about a foot a mile if I
remember correctly from our trip to the '87 Monterey Historics towing Jim
Schardt's Stinger.  For you, going home is the work.  But you have done it
before.  Hope to see you there.


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 21:35:46 -0500 (EST)
From: shortle <shortle556 at earthlink.net>
To: "virtualvairs at corvair.org" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>

I have been in 4 Corvair only repair shops in the last couple of years and
have asked them all why they don't have some sort of display advertising
CORSA. I have met some of their customers who did not even know CORSA
existed (?). I asked a CORSA director recently about this idea (surely not
my idea) and was practically chastised for even thinking such a thought.
Would it be SO expensive to come up with something for our Corvair repair
community? I drive my cars and truck pretty regularly and all of them have
the CORSA decal displayed. Why has this idea not been discussed here on VV
as a way of getting new members? Or is my thinking on this subject that
Timothy Shortle in Durango Colorado
Looking forward to driving my Corvair to Iowa in June


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 21:46:27 -0500
From: Jay Pitchford <jay.pitchford at gmail.com>
To: shortle <shortle556 at earthlink.net>
Cc: "virtualvairs at corvair.org" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>

I like that idea. I suggest just making up a CORSA poster (with some Corvair
eye candy) they can put up on their premises; it can't be all that expensive
for CORSA to make. Shoot, I'd be willing to chip into a separate fund
established to get them designed, printed & mailed. Also, think about other
places those could go ... I'd put one in/on/next to my car at any local
classic car show I attend or exhibit at.

It would be a smart business move for those shops that have a web presence
to promote CORSA with a link and perhaps a small electronic version of the
same poster. Many of those I've been on at least mention CORSA and/or
provide a link.Let's face it; CORSA and the shops are fishing in the same
water ... not competing, but complimenting each other's efforts.

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