<VV> Torches thanks

shortle shortle556 at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 17 17:52:55 EST 2009

The "hassle" arguement certainly is worth considering as it is a lot of work to dispose of car parts of this nature. The sawzall method is VERY noisy and if you are in a neighborhood one I would probably avoid. The third method of course does require money for oxygen and acetalyne and is certainly a fire and breathing hazard. My vote: pay someone to remove and live well.
Timothy Shortle in Durango Colorado
PS I just was given a 1961 Monza coupe as the owners didn't have room for it on their 4200 acre ranch (26 miles of fenceline they claim)

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bryan Blackwell <bryan at skiblack.com>
>Sent: Dec 17, 2009 1:27 PM
>To: Virtual Vairs <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>Subject: <VV> Torches thanks
>Hi folks,
>Got several replies, which all boil down to either "use a different  
>tool" and "it's too much hassle".  There are some extenuating  
>circumstances here - the car in question is already partially parted  
>out, the front suspension is gone and the rear axles will come off  
>too.  By the time we're done most haulers around here will indeed  
>charge me to take it away, and to get at it will be a good half day's  
>work since there are other projects in the way.
>On the "use a different tool" front, the consensus was a Sawzall  
>(recip saw) is a better tool anyway, and I have a Porter Cable.  Plan  
>is to cut it into four big pieces (front clip, roof, left and right  
>passenger compartment) and load them into the truck.  We'll see if I  
>get partway and decide it's too much hassle.  I'll also check on the  
>scrap prices before I decide either way.
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