<VV> Bob's (typically different) viewpoint on 100%
tkalp at cox.net
tkalp at cox.net
Thu Dec 17 15:16:35 EST 2009
*** Replies in message***
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Hubbell" <whubbell at cox.net>
> Subject: Re: <VV> Bob's (typically different) viewpoint on 100%
>> In response to Bob's comment that CORSA is "fortunate to have" the
>> local
>> clubs, I would respond that the benefit goes both ways, and, in fact,
>> there
>> is probably more benefit to the local club being a part of CORSA than
>> the
>> other way around. If your local club doesn't believe this to be
>> true, then
>> consider your position as an independent club with no national
>> connections
>> for the past 40 years and ask what position you would be in today.
*** Let's turn this argument around, where would CORSA be if it hadn't
been supported by local clubs for the past 40 years, what position would
CORSA be in today? There are hundreds of local car clubs with no
national affiliation out there . . . how many National Clubs are there
with no local club support? ***
>> How many local shows did your club promote through CORSA connections
>> over
>> the past 40 years? How many times did your local club members get
>> parts or
>> services from CORSA sponsored and approved vendors?
*** Boy, this sounds good but what does it mean? How many people came
to the Great Plains Corvair Roundup because they saw it in the
Communique . . . no one that I know of. Several came because they heard
about it and other MCCA activities on Corvair Center (sponsored by a
local Corvair Club not CORSA)
How many electrical appliances have your purchased that were UL
approved? Does that mean I need to send national dues to the UL? I knew
about Clark's and Underground long before I knew about CORSA. CORSA
approval is never a consideration when purchasing Corvair parts, where
is the advantage? ***
How many awards from
>> CORSA conventions did your local club members bring home and use in
>> some
>> small way as a recruiting tool for your local membership? How many
>> times
>> over the past 40 years did your local club members network with other
>> members or clubs?
**** MCCA has brought back several awards . . . never have thought about
using them as a recruiting tool for local membership. Exactly how does
that work? "I won the national Stock Class autocross in my 4-door, so
you should join our club" ???
We do network with other CORSA as well as non-CORSA car clubs. As a
result of networking with non-CORSA clubs, we managed to have the
Corvair, MCCA, and CORSA selected as the featured marquee at the 2010
Lake Afton Car Show (world's largest free outdoor car show) ***
>> The trouble with folks who grip that they don't want to be a part of
>> is that they have no appreciation for how much CORSA has kept this
>> hobby
>> alive. I blame CORSA (which is me and all of us who DO belong to it)
>> for
>> failing to properly sell itself, but the truth is that most, if not
>> all,
>> local Corvair clubs would not be in existence today if not for CORSA.
>> Please name me one Corvair club that grew up and thrives today with
>> connection.
*** Again turn the argument around, name one National Corvair club that
thrives today with no local club connections. My belief is that local
clubs would be more likely to survive without CORSA than CORSA would be
able to survive without local club support.***
>> Bill Hubbell
*** Some General Comments.
I do support CORSA and recognize it has done a lot to help the Corvair
hobby. My membership was renewed for two years at the new rate . . .
even before it came into effect. CORSA and the local clubs should work
together for the betterment of the Corvair hobby and most of the time
they do.
No one knows for sure what the results of CORSA requiring 100%
membership would be . . . Would CORSA gain some members? Most likely,
whether it is 5 or 500 no one knows or can even come up with an educated
guess . . . would CORSA lose some members? Most likely, whether it is 5
or 500 again no one knows . . . would local clubs lose members? Most
likely in significant numbers . . . would some clubs drop their CORSA
affiliation? Most likely, how many, no one knows. What kind of members
would CORSA gain if they joined because they were "forced" to . . . I
hope we are not just looking for their $$ . One of the biggest pool of
potential members that CORSA has are the non-CORSA members of local
clubs they are halfway there . . . to put these people out would be
putting lead in one's lower appendage.
I do know some of the members MCCA would lose are people that have been
deeply involved in the club and have been a great help at many of the
club events. I don't see this as helping the Corvair hobby. Helping
the Corvair Hobby is th bottom line.
Terry Kalp
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