<VV> Different Club Model

James P. Rice ricebugg at mtco.com
Wed Dec 16 18:35:45 EST 2009

The BMW CCA (which is not supported by BWNNA) only has national membership,
and national members are assigned a local club based on zip codes.  Local
club gets a fee.  If fee isn't enough to fund what local wants to do, they
hold fund raisers and events to generate additional income.

But BMW CCA members are welcome at any local meeting or activity.  I don't
know what they do about non-local members getting a local club's newsletter.

I get 2nd hand copies of the BMW CCA magazine - think R&T or C&D size and
quality - from a friend.  I contacted BMW CCA a couple years ago and passed
their very friendly reply and info onto our BoD.

They also have 55k members, and a large staff in Greenville SC...and fewer
directors and CORSA, each of which is selected/voted on from within a
smaller geographical area than CORSA's directors.

Maybe a different model should be investigated.

Historically Yours,


The other way it could work would be for members to pay all their dues
to CORSA, then check a box and choose which local chapter they wished
to be affiliated with. If Bob's vision were to come to pass, they
would be required to belong to a local chapter even if it were hours
away. By checking additional boxes and paying extra money, they could
belong to more than one chapter as many of us do. Obviously, CORSA
would disperse this money to the chapters for their support. Isn't
this the model many organizations use?

Bruce W. Schug
Treasurer, Membership Chairman
CORSA South Carolina
CORSA member since 1980
Performance Corvair Group
Stock Corvair Group
'67 Monza, "67AC140"
bwschug at att.net

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