<VV> non CORSA filing fees

J R Read_HML hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 16 00:39:30 EST 2009

I think we pay it every year.  Does CORSA send an invoice?  The meeting is 
tomorrow, I'll ask.  Oh, we have a new treasurer.  He probably won't know. 
I'll ask the old treasurer.  Hmmm, I wonder if he's a CORSA member?  That 
could be embarrassing to ask him if he's not.  Oh, this is just getting too 
complicated.  It will be easier to just quit going to meetings altogether, 
avoid all the politics involved and just go out to the garage and turn some 
wrenches - like before I met all these folks.  I wonder if CORSA will refund 
the unused portion of my dues?  But I enjoy their company and besides - I 
have to go to the meeting to get the answer to Chuck's question.  Well that, 
and a couple of beers with my friends.
Later, JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Louis Armer" <carmerjr at mindspring.com>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 11:26 PM
Subject: <VV> non CORSA filing fees

> Hello to ALL VVers, When was the last time your local club PAID the
> non 100% CORSA fees? Why not ask your club president or treasurer for
> the answer...........................??? Check the annual report in
> your Communiques 2006???2007???2008??? DON'T BE SHOCKED by the
> blatant non payment by non 100% CORSA chapters !
> CORSA Member
> Corvanatics Member
> Corvair Atlanta Director
> 1965 Corsa Coupe
> 1964 Greenbrier
> http://darthvair.com
> SECC Member
> 1965 Corsa Autocross car 1/2 owner
> http://www.wtbrt.com/
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