<VV> CORSA Insurance

Bruce Schug bwschug at att.net
Thu Dec 10 10:59:03 EST 2009

On Dec 10, 2009, at 10:35 AM, <kaczmarek at charter.net> <kaczmarek at charter.net 
 > wrote:

> Bruce
> The insurance is a great benefit, and it obviously covers the people  
> who refuse to pay dues to CORSA.  An even better benefit for them--- 
> they get the coverage and DON'T have to pay for it.   There is  
> something inherently wrong with that statement that some of our  
> Directors simply cannot fathom.
> Sticking to "you wanna play, you gotta pay".

Can't disagree with you, Hank.

We charge non-CORSA members an extra $10 which we send to CORSA. It  
helps even this out.

We used to let non-CORSA members belong for a year, then they had to  
join. I thought this was a good system. It gave them a year to see if  
they were really interested in Corvairing and to learn about our club  
and CORSA. Most went ahead and joined.

After a few years we had a few unhappy about being "told what to do"  
and being "forced to join CORSA". I had some tell me they knew of  
people ready to join our club as soon as we dropped the CORSA  
membership rule. Finally, we changed it to what I mentioned above.  
We've had new members join since then but I don't think any of them  
joined because they didn't have to join CORSA. Most simply joined  
CORSA, wanting to be part of it.


Bruce W. Schug
Treasurer, Membership Chairman
CORSA South Carolina
CORSA member since 1980
Performance Corvair Group
Stock Corvair Group
'67 Monza, "67AC140"
bwschug at att.net

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