<VV> Mark vs Smitty - was Re: Corsa existence

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 6 16:35:29 EST 2009

or is that Smitty vs Mark ?? 

>That definition has ALWAYS been the standard with which automotive industry
>engineers have used. 

Unfortunately, for this point of view, the rest of the world is not 
necessarily automotive industry engineers -- so those of us that think 
the world is ruled by engineers, or at least the minority segment 
employed in the automotive industry, can choose hardtops, while those of 
us that think maybe someone else could possibly be in charge can call 
them "pumpkins", or whatever else we may choose, noting that the finest 
carriage in all the land was created by Disney, and it was a pumpkin.  
You convertible types have to deal with surreys with fringed tops, which 
are not carriages.

It is tradition that we have sedan vs hardtop, late vs early, electronic 
vs print, list-serve vs phorum, criticizms of submissions for spelling, 
phrasing, content, or  more importantly, accuracy -- sorta like we have 
stop lights at intersections, to delay us on our way to the kwickie-mart 
for some fresh Twinkies, or that package at the PO from our favorite 
vendor with a pair of fuzzy dice and curb feelers -- a tradition that 
I'd actually sorta miss, would it be gone.  Weird, ain't it?  But rather 
nice to be able to have differing opinions and the ability to air them 
publicly  (praise the Lord, wave the Flag).

It's just that you crusty old curmudgeons need to be nice about it, so 
that us commoners know that when you see each other you shake hands and 
hug rather than pull knives and guns ...

Please take special note of the intentional spelling errors,

Bill Strickland

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