<VV> "Four to Go"
Bruce Schug
bwschug at att.net
Fri Dec 4 21:35:23 EST 2009
Jason, Thanks but we already have the 9 donors needed. Donations to
CORSA in honor of Dave or in memory of someone would be great.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 8:00 PM, Jason Cesana wrote:
> Count me in. Tell me where to send the money.
> Jason Cesana
> Eastern Director CORSA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
> [mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Bruce Schug
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 4:06 PM
> To: VirtualVairs
> Subject: Re: <VV> "Four to Go"
> On Dec 4, 2009, at 3:45 PM, Louis Armer wrote:
>> At 03:21 PM 12/4/2009, you wrote:
>>>> Message: 10
>>>> Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 14:56:26 -0500
>>>> From: Bruce Schug <bwschug at att.net>
>>>> Subject: Re: <VV> CORSA
>>>> To: VirtualVairs <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>>>> Message-ID: <EE2C6468-C482-4D63-8BE3-EACD76EFF044 at att.net>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed;
>>>> delsp=yes
>>>> On Dec 4, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Dave Thompson wrote:
>>>>> I'm down and out. I haven't found a decent paying job since I was
>>>>> laid off Jan 9 2009. Living on unemployment makes me feel less
>>>>> of a
>>>>> man.
>>>>> Because of
>>>>> that, CORSA dues was not paid this year I'm ashamed to say. got'a
>>>>> take care of the family first. Hopefully, I will get a call back
>>>>> from the interview I had last week soon. If I do, I intend to pay
>>>>> my CORSA dues from the first paycheck. I don't think that "
>>>>> special
>>>>> circumstances " apply to me.
>>>>> I'm a two-year newbie to CORSA. In that short time, I have
>>>>> gained a
>>>>> wealth of knowledge and found a great deal of friends through my
>>>>> Corvair hobby. If the only thing I got out of CORSA was this
>>>>> wonderful chat group, Virtual Vairs, I would still pay the dues as
>>>>> soon as I can.
>>>>> Thanks people for being my friend. I hope someday I can meet more
>>>>> of you face to face.
>>>> I remember something that happened years ago at our annual
>>>> Christmas
>>>> Party. We have everyone bring unwrapped gifts. Everyone who has
>>>> paid
>>>> their dues gets raffle tickets. Stubs are drawn and the winners get
>>>> their pick of the gifts.
>>>> Well, one guy came to the party but hadn't paid his $15 dues so
>>>> wasn't getting tickets. When asked if he was paying his dues, he
>>>> replied that he was laid off and couldn't afford it. Lonzo Greene
>>>> promptly paid his dues for him.
>>>> So...
>>>> If 9 guys each sent $5 to CORSA, Dave's dues would be paid. My name
>>>> is #1. We need 8 more guys to each agree to send $5 for Dave's
>>>> dues.
>>>> When this list is complete, my check goes in the mail.
>>>> 1. Bruce Schug
>>>> 2. Roger Lindholm
>>>> 3. Chuck Armer
>>>> 4. Bruce Levitch
>>>> 5. Bill Kronen
>>>> 6.
>>>> 7.
>>>> 8.
>>>> 9.
Bruce W. Schug
Treasurer, Membership Chairman
CORSA South Carolina
CORSA member since 1980
Performance Corvair Group
Stock Corvair Group
'67 Monza, "67AC140"
bwschug at att.net
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