<VV> The future of publishing?
aeroned at aol.com
aeroned at aol.com
Fri Dec 4 15:02:13 EST 2009
How many members does VCCA have? How much advertising does their mag have?
The answers to those questions are intertwined and the reason they can offer the magazine they do.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Howell <32chevy at 0306.org>
To: Ray Rodriguez III <ravensong13 at verizon.net>
Cc: VV <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Fri, Dec 4, 2009 11:54 am
Subject: Re: <VV> The future of publishing?
Besides being a member of CORSA I am a member of several other auto clubs,
ne of those clubs, Vintage Chevrolet Club of America has recently changed
he monthly magazine to full color and did not have to raise the price of
he dues ! And the December issue has 56 pages plus the mailing jacket and
ailed enclosed in clear plastic cover !
Many of the things mentioned here on <VV> as being dated are not true with
his publication, they have several pages of cars and parts for sale,
nteresting owners stories about their cars and tech articles to name a few.
hey are using the same people CORSA uses for some of this so the BOD needs
o look into how they do this.
Raising the dues may be like shooting ourselves in the foot, we will lose
embers that can`t afford to pay more. The Corvair is a lower price car that
llows people to enjoy the auto hobby at a reasonable price, lets keep it
hat way.
he average Corvair owner and CORSA member that pays dues does not race
heir Corvair or trailer a 100 point show car, we should be catering to this
roup because they are the ones paying the bills!
John Howell
----- Original Message -----
rom: "Ray Rodriguez III" <ravensong13 at verizon.net>
o: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
ent: Friday, December 04, 2009 9:02 AM
ubject: Re: <VV> The future of publishing?
I agree that print is mostly dead when it comes to function.... but as far
as hobbies go I think people still like to collect things.... It's nice
to have something in your hand... and to put on your bookshelves.
I'm as computer oriented as you can get, and I still dream of having a
house with a library... the custom bedroom I just built myself last year
is half library as it is.
If the cost of publishing and shipping the magazine is really what is
going to kill CORSA then of course shift the MAGAZINE (only) to an online
format.... but I'd focus on other places to cut costs and increase
membership first. Also as has been mentioned previously, offer the OPTION
of the magazine in print for a substantial cost (high enough to cover the
expenses) if it is possible, versus online with standard dues. This way
those who can afford the magazine and really want print may get it, but
poor folks can still enjoy reasonable dues and read the magazine online.
Ray Rodriguez III
click here for a pic of me and my car
Lake Ariel, PA
CORSA member
66' Corsa 140/4 hot rodded coupe
65' Corsa 140/4 coupe (under construction)
----- Original Message -----
From: <kaczmarek at charter.net>
To: "VirtualVairs" <VirtualVairs at corvair.org>; "Bruce Schug"
<bwschug at att.net>
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> The future of publishing?
> Bruce
> In the immortal words of Dr Hagon Spengler in Ghostbusters, "PRINT IS
> DEAD".
> If in doubt, watch the Kindles move off the shelves. Downloadable books
> to Kindle and e-books are the new wave, along with CD's of books read by
> the author that you can just listen to.
> Another of CORSA's problems is trying to get members to jump into the
> last half of the 20th Century's technology.
> One of my fellow Tidewater Corvair Club members said in the early 90's
> that he would NEVER buy or use a computer, preferring a typewriter and
> writing in longhand on legal pads. That member will remain nameless, but
> they know who they are.
> Hank
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