<VV> Director`s Comments in Communique
rbuckridge at comcast.net
rbuckridge at comcast.net
Fri Dec 4 00:11:05 EST 2009
You make some very good points. Your comments on the Communique, the online web site, the conventions and the dues. I agree with you 100%. You have my vote.
Seeing what other marques are doing and that CORSA is a business that needs to be run like a business makes very good sense.
I think the biggest point being, you can't raise taxes in a recession and you can't raise dues either. CORSA MUST DO just like those of us on fixed incomes do, and that is cut expenses. Cutting expenses in today's economy is the only way I can survive.
Roy - Bayshore
------------original message--------------
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 22:10:24 -0500
From: "The Bristows" < oabwdb at comcast.net >
Subject: <VV> Director`s Comments in Communique
To: < virtualvairs at corvair.org >
Message-ID: <60B8729F21044BFDBA2AD24FFBF17B20 at homepceec911a5>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hello fellow Corvair enthusiast. Again I will comment as a former President and board member of Corsa. We need to make positive changes. Simply raising dues is not the answer. That is like raising taxes in a recession as it will only prolong the pain and death. We need to move to a printed Quarterly publication that will have more content and go to an online monthly comminique magazine. Those who insist on a printed newsletter type communique can pay an additional amount above the dues to cover the added cost. We really need to rethink our mission statement and also come up with atleast 10 core values of Corsa and why these are important to any one who is into or interested in Corvairs. This will help establish the need for new owners to become a part of our organization and remind current members to maintain their membership. All affiliated chapters of Corsa MUST HAVE 100% CORSA membership. The online website needs to be reworked so it is up to date and user friend
ly. The web site should limit classifieds that are curent to dues paying members only and have acesss to only a sample communique and classified ads to non members. I am sorry but subsidising non Corsa members by raising dues is only going to further bankrupt Corsa. We are actual no better than the federal goverment and their bailouts with our current support on non dues paying Corsa members. If those non members want to participate in local club functions that are sanctioned or insured by Corsa then they must be members in good standing. Yes there are many positive things we can do to increase membership but the at best we will probably stabilize it. It is not a valid argument we will loose members by requiring 100% membership. If the ones that are not have so much effect on a local club that the chapter would drop of Corsa then I doubt the strenght and viabilty of that chapter in the first place. I agree with Kent on conventions and feel that we definately need to
consider a 3 day convention rather than a week long one. It would be much easier to put on and manage. Not to mention reducing cost for the attendees. And we need to observe what other marque car clubs are doing.What ever decisions that are made will not be popular but the ship is sinking fast and we need to act fast. I would consider a run for the board again but only if I had agreement on my suggestions and had the support of both the current board and membership. I would put my money where my mouth is. The club needs to be run like a business. Some one needs to take the lead and have the authority to be the turn around ceo of Corsa and make these difficult decisions. I am going back out in the garage now. Please excuse my spelling. Allen
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