<VV> Lighting - Running hard, just to keep up

Rick Norris ricknorris at suddenlink.net
Tue Aug 25 07:35:25 EDT 2009

I see.......but not nearly as well as I used to!

> I had always treasured my good vision. (NRA and US Army Expert) At about
> age 30, I noticed squinting at night to read unfamiliar street signs. So I
> got  my first distance vision glasses. The prescription changed slowly 
> over
> the  years, and I eventually needed them for all driving and watching TV 
> in
> the  family room. The real pain was sliding them into the helmet when 
> racing
> or  autocrossing. About 8 years ago - age 54 - I had laser surgery on the
> outside of both eyes. Back to about 20/20 for distance, but the eyes were
> still  54 years old. So now I needed glasses to read - and for the 
> computer. But
> I  could drive, and race and watch TV without the glasses. As they warn 
> you
> before the surgery, there were starlight effects on lights at night for a
> while.  But they went away, and I was/am very happy. Then, about 3 years
> ago,  I was driving at night and I noticed my right eye was, 
> all-of-a-sudden,
> quite  sensitive to on-coming bright lights. Glare was much worse - but 
> only
> in that  eye. I had an exam, and the Dr. told me that inside my eye, a
> little  fluid/gel-like substance had come a little loose, causing the 
> diffusing
> of the  light. A sign of old age! (Thanks, Pal!) It had nothing to do with
> the  laser, that was on the outside. So I learned to favor my left eye for
> night  driving. Six months later, the other eye did the same thing. So 
> now,
> although my  eyes are better focused than when I was 40 or 50, the general
> aging of my  eyes allows less light in, so I need better illumination than
> before, (Thank you  HIDs) and, conversely, glare from on-coming traffic,
> especially on  secondary roads, interferes more with my vision. 
> Personally, I find
> less  on-coming glare problems with the "bluer" lighting of HIDs, and much
> worse with  the "yellower" lighting of incandescent lights. (especially 
> poorly
> aimed ones)
> Of Course, that is only me. Your Visualage may vary. Remember all you 
> young
> guys, I am only the leading edge of the baby boomers, there will be a lot
> more of us coming along.
> And we will need better lighting to find our way!
> Seth  Emerson
> C's the Day! - Corvair, Camaro,  Corvette
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