<VV> corsa for sale

Ray Rodriguez (Grymm) grymm at echoes.net
Fri Aug 21 00:56:48 EDT 2009

Hey there Rodney!

     The "asking" price is whatever the highest offer is, I have to have 
this car out of my fathers garage within the next couple weeks....   I think 
he is on the verge of dragging it outside and setting it on fire =P.

     The car is not driveable currently, the interior is completely out, the 
carbs are off and awaiting a rebuild, there is no windshield, and the rear 
window is out as well.  The drivers door is currently off but I'll toss that 
back on before anyone comes to pick it up or I have to deliver it.

     I paid 2K for the car originally with no title, since then I got a 
clean PA title for the car,  paid $900.00 for the corvair ranch to port and 
totally redo the heads and I made the engine and trans beautiful... and lots 
of odds and ends.   I figure 3K is really fair... wish I could have bought 
what I've got for that....... but I'm really gonna take whatever the high 
bid is.... even if its considerably less than that.  Also I feel like vair 
prices have climbed noticeably the last few years (based on perusing 
listings in spare time).  Maybe I'll get more.. who knows?  I figure I have 
4.5k invested.. but you rarely get back what you invest...  I'm a realist.

Be sure to read all the details...   there is a lot of good info in my 
original post and (more or less the same) on the ebay listing.


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