<VV> Oil Pressure

Daniel Monasterio dmonasterio at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 19 16:07:07 EDT 2009

    When you talk about "an auxiliary ground"... are you refering to a second post ? I use VDO gauges too and my pressure sender has two posts where the second one is for the idiot light. Just curious about.

    Check the pressure reading by making a temporary wire conection between sender's body and engine. If readings change then, you are having bad grounding. Check grounding on gauge too.  


> From: dpross1342 at aol.com
> To: vv-help at corvair.org
> Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 07:58:35 -0400
> Subject: <VV> Oil Pressure
> I have a 1967 110HP with oil pressure & oil temperature gauges, both 
> VDO electric. The pressure sender has an auxiliary ground.
> When running, and the oil temp is about 180 degrees, the pressure runs 
> between 25-27 PSI, and stays there, even if the oil temperature rises 
> to over 200+ degrees. Since the factory spec is 35 PSI, is the lower 
> oil pressure at risk of damaging my engine?
> I also would like to know if anyone has had experience with the higher 
> pressure relief springs sold by Clarks? Is there
> a greater chance of oil leaks, particularly around that complex 
> casting where the oil filter is attached?
> Thanks for any feedback.
> Don Rossbach
> dpross1342 at aol.com
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