<VV> FWD & Corvair

kenpepke at juno.com kenpepke at juno.com
Sat Aug 8 07:02:29 EDT 2009

Long before the day of the Corvair backwards up steep mountain roads was the only way ... in your model T!  If you tried it front ways and ran out of gas before you made it over the top you would have a very exciting ride _down hill and backwards ... with ineffective 2 wheel brakes!  Corvairs, up hill or down, on road or off, had as much traction as almost anyone ever needed.  In those pre cell phone days 4WD mostly meant you had to walk farther for help :-)  Today 4WD usually means help will be much more expensive and perhaps much more dramatic :-[
Ken P

Sethracer at aol.com writes:

In a message dated 8/7/2009 12:35:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ronh at owt.com 

"Can't  get up that slippery hill?  Turn around and go up backwards.  Works 

I'd be reluctant to try that on some of the mountain ranges  around here!
An additional observation is that most of the vehicles in the  ditch, on 
their sides or upside down are FWD SUV's and has been commented  on by the 
state patrol.

my Brother - who actually owned a Corvair at one time - Had an all-wheel  
drive Audi in New Hampshire. He told me that, at the early snowfalls, the 
first  cars into the ditches and snowbanks are the 4WDs, cars and trucks. Their 
 drivers forget that the four wheel power gives added traction to  
accelerate, but only the same four wheel brakes as  the slower 2-wheel  drivers to 
stop. Oops! 
Seth  Emerson

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