Scott Morehead
moreheadscott at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 27 08:51:11 EDT 2009
Hopefully it turns out well this time; Yes - Chapters - Individuals - Businesses and Vendors may participate.
As a challenge - THE CORSA VP will put up the first $25.00 for four individuals to place an Advertisement in the communique. So if interested - the 1st four individuals that contact me will receive $25.00 for their ad regardless of the size of the AD they choose. This money will be forwarded to the business office, so you will need to forward the remainder of the balance to the business office with your completed Advertisement.
Your monies along with your completed ad (Or business Card) will need to be forwarded to Harry as outlined in the Solicitation.
Please disseminate this correspondence to all Forums, outlying regions, businesses, trade groups, interested parties and obscure emails that may or may not be on VV.Thank you for your effort & 10-20 years from now we will be able to go back and see the many members, Chapters and Businesses that participated in this opportunity.
17, 2009
Corvair Businesses, Vendors, Suppliers, Corvair Chapters & Interested
the CORSA Board are soliciting “Advertisements”
to be inserted into the new Tech
Guide Volume Three.
projected release date is scheduled for Mid July 2009. The pricing structure
for the ad rates are as follow:
Display ad
page $100.00 1/6
page $150.00
page $200.00 1/3
page $250.00
page $325.00 Full page $550.00
completed artwork and pre-designed ads shall be forwarded to Mike McGowan at communiqué@corvair.org in a jpeg, tiff
or similar format for inclusion into the new
Tech Guide Volume Three. All artwork submissions need to be forwarded
as soon as possible. If you wish to use
a pre-designed artwork advertisement previously published in a Communiqué,
please contact Mike McGowan to verify the artwork is available.
Any vendors that would like to pre-order by the case – a 15% discounted rate is
available. If interested in by the case
bulk purchases, please contact CORSA Headquarters at 630-257-6530 or via email
- Harry Jensen at corsa at corvair.org .
Best regards,
Corsa BOD
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