<VV> Plastic Models question

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Sun Apr 26 20:37:17 EDT 2009

The most recent is similar to that kit, but it's blue.  AMT has  
issued several different versions of the '69 coupe model, there are  
some differences in the options, the most recent one has a good  
variety.  We've built a couple of them so far, there are some more  
piled up around the house.


On Apr 26, 2009, at 5:15 AM, Alan and Clare Wesson wrote:

>> Is the model JR refers to the current AMT one (I think I have 2 or  
>> 3 of
>> those) with (I think) a yellow LM on the box, or is there another  
>> and/or
>> an earlier version?
> This is the one I have got
> http://cgi.ebay.com/C22-AMT-Prestige-1-25-6773-69-Chevy-Corvair- 
> NIB_W0QQitemZ260369614399
> it looks like it's not the same one as JR refers to. Is there another?
> Cheers
> Alan

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