<VV> How to start autocrossing - The DVD

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Thu Apr 9 01:01:23 EDT 2009

Many folks in the Corvair Web arena may be old time autocrossers. And a lot  
of folks wouldn't think of driving their show cars through the cones, even at 
a  Corsa Convention. But in between, there are a bunch of people who have  
never tried it, or tried it maybe once or twice, never really understanding  what 
it is all about. For those "tweeners" and anybody else who has a  sliver of 
interest in someday trying an autocross, there is now a new DVD  available. It 
starts at the beginning, showing you "the ropes" and how to begin.  This is 
not a home video. It is a professionally produced video with real  production 
values. As far as I know, there is not one shot of a Corvair in the  video. 
Because it is not about the Corvair, it is about the sport of  autocrossing, and 
your initial involvement. If you are looking for a DVD to show  at your club 
event, it might interest a club member in the sport. So let  your club buy it.  
The cost is minimal -  $9.95 - plus some  shipping. 
The link below will stake you to the link where you can see an excerpt,  read 
a bit about how the video came about, and even check out the producer and  
his other projects. Just type it in!
Seth  Emerson

C's the Day! - Corvair, Camaro,  Corvette
First  Autocross - April 1967 - 1965 Corsa 140 Convertible


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