<VV> It's been fun...
Alan and Clare Wesson
alan.wesson at atlas.co.uk
Thu Sep 25 13:28:20 EDT 2008
Hi folks
I received this message earlier, from a shadowy organisation calling itself
> For the next 30 days all posts from you to the VVs will be reviewed
> by one of the moderators (VV-help) to make sure they comply with
> all the rules before they are sent out. Moderation is not real time and
> at times it will take up to 6 hours before you will see what you wrote,
> if it is approved or get a rejection notice.
> You are not moderated on vv-talk where the majority of your posts
> belonged.
I accept entirely that I have posted several off-topic posts. However, as I
had already told 'VV-help', and had also mentioned to the list, this was
because I had been absent from VV for some years, and I had actually
completely forgotten about the existence of VV-Talk, I hadn't yet subscribed
thereto (and now won't be).
Since I received my earlier reminder, I have not started any new non-Corvair
threads, and I have only responded to a small number of messages onlist (and
a larger number offlist). Each of my onlist posts has been preceded with a
warning that the topic was off-topic and shouldn't be being discussed on VV.
However, for some reason I am being picked on and made an example of (rather
than the others who posted and/or replied to the other off-topic posts,
principally the Chevy Volt one).
As I object a) to being picked on; and b) to being moderated (I will not be
controlled in this way on something that is supposed to be my hobby), I will
unsubscribe again forthwith.
I have enjoyed my brief return, but I will not accept being picked on, and I
will not submit to heavy-handed and unsubtle moderation. I will submit
happily to courteous and tactful moderation, but that clearly isn't the
order of the day, so I will get my hat and leave.
Bye bye
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