<VV> Languages (no Corvair), now Town Names (humor)

P.H. Raker n556p at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 23 09:41:26 EDT 2008

While we're on the subject of town names . . .   I wouldn't think they needed any more, but someone in Indiana apparently did.  The state actually has THREE different towns named "Needmore".  Go figure.
Phil (drove in KY, OH, & IN enroute home to MI w/ my 1st 'Vair) Raker
> From: "airvair at earthlink.net" 
> Here in Ohio (oh-hi-ah), we have Lima (lye-mah) and Wooster (woo-stir), as
> opposed to Lima, Peru (lee-ma) and Worcester, Mass (also pronounced the
> same as the Ohio city - but how they get THAT out of it, I don't know). And
> don't EVEN get me started on Gratiot (Michigan)!
> -Mark
> [Original Message]
> Subject: Re: <VV> Languages (no Corvair)>
> Here in Lexington, you can buy "tars" at the Goodyear Store, and "wahrs" at
> the electrical supply store.  And you could do it in Versailles "Ver sales"
> KY. 
> Cliff Tibbits


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