<VV> GM Celebrates 100 years - Stock market rises 160 points - Itsy bitsy Vair

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Tue Sep 23 00:34:55 EDT 2008

Well, okay. On last Tuesday, when GM held it's 100 year anniversary and  
introduced the new (as in not yet available) Chevy Volt, the stock market did  
rise 160 points. Of course, the day before it had dropped 400 and the day after  
dropped 300+ more and then rebounded by Friday to almost where it had started 
-  them dropped again today - But ON THAT DAY - it went up. If you cared about 
the  Volt, (Chevy had been nice enough to use a Corvair/Greenbrier in the 
Olympics  (tm) ad), there is a bunch of good info in the interviews by Lou Ann  
Hammond - Both Bob Lutz and Rick Wagoner sound reasonable in their "Pitches". 
if  you are a car person, you need to stay informed. Check it out at:
(http://www.carlist.com/blog/index.php)  (mailto:carlist.com at yahoo.com) 
- Seth Emerson

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