<VV> Horn Button Assembly Question

Bill H. gojoe283 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 7 15:42:51 EDT 2008


Hey all...I had to remove the stock wheel on my '69, and unfortunately I didn't take the proper precaution to identify which parts went where.

So now, I have a pile of parts that I have no clue how they go together.  The 65 and 69 Service Manual are too sketchy to include the detailed I need.

What I have is the following:

1.  Plastic self-cancelling cam, with spring (no plunger or other pieces).  I know that this spring has the electrical circuit to blow the horn when contacting the car's ground (via the steering wheel)
2.  Metal cup that grips the horn button, with three holes to attach the insulator to the wheel
3.  Plastic insulator, with three "pegs" that fit in the holes of the metal cup, with the screws
4.  Metal contact springy washer with the same three holes

I misplaced at least one non-conducting spacer that's the same shape as #4 above.  I was able to fabricate these out of cardboard.

Again, I can't figure out what goes where, and of course the horn either blows continuously or doesn't blow at all.  I know I was dumb for not being so careful, but it's a little late to berate.

Can someone be so kind as to help me figure out how to get this thing back together?

Does the self-cancelling cam have a plunger or other metal piece that rides the spring and contacts the other parts?

Thanks all in advance...Bill Hershkowitz 69 Monza Coupe 110 PG


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