<VV> Ignition switch removal

Doug Mackintosh dougmackintosh at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 3 16:04:09 EDT 2008

Help! I tried removing the ignition switch from the 1964 Spyder dash of the mongrel I'm working on. I turned it to Lock, inserted a paperclip in the hole, and continued to rotate CCW as usually works. It did rotate about another quarter turn, but it did not release the lock cylinder from the lock. I continued to rotate so that now it is about 180 degrees from the Lock position. Now I can't get it to turn back to the Lock position. 
At this point, I can't turn it back to Lock so the lock will function normally, and it won't release the cylinder anywhere between where it is and where I can move it. The current range of motion is about from 90 degrees CCW from Lock to 180 degrees CCW from Lock.
Any suggestions?

-- Doug Mackintosh
Corsa member since 1996
Corsa/NC member since 1996, Virtual Vairs member
Corvair owner 1969-1971 and 1996-on


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