<VV> Tires (Robert Henry)
j.botwick at snet.net
Wed Oct 1 09:42:07 EDT 2008
Cornell makes a P175/70SR13.
Purchased 4 at Pep Boys.
--- On Wed, 10/1/08, virtualvairs-request at corvair.org <virtualvairs-request at corvair.org> wrote:
From: virtualvairs-request at corvair.org <virtualvairs-request at corvair.org>
Subject: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 45, Issue 1
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 9:28 AM
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Change your options: http://www.vv.corvair.org/mailman/options/virtualvairsToday's Topics:
1. Edie Adamms Kovacs (Kirk Johnson)
2. Side views (efki at verizon.net)
3. Re: Magnet for Oil Filter (Stephen Upham)
4. Monthly VV guide post (Bryan Blackwell)
5. Re: Drive Your Corvair on Corvair's 49th
Anniversary...October 2n d! (chevrobilia at juno.com)
6. Tires (Robert Henry)
7. Re: Tires (Bruce Schug)
8. Re: Tires (Dennis PLEAU)
9. Re: Edie Adams Kovacs (Vairtec at optonline.net)
10. Re: Tires (Vairtec at optonline.net)
It's Tiparillos.
I ran four super magnets attached to the end of the oil filter. I
also have the magnet that comes standard with the Clarks oil pan. I
think I will place the magnets in the oil pan when I change the oil
next time as I intend to change the leaky oil pan gasket. The
magnets work in pairs to hold each other to the raised fins inside
the pan.
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*-*-*- Last updated: 22 Aug 08 -*-*-*
Hi Dave,
This is one of the most common questions I hear. It seems like every year or
so, a new article or book comes out stating that the Jetfire was first. And I
get emails.
Part of the problem is that there are so many hack journalists who simply copy
"history" from other writers. Or who were just too young in '62
(or not even born yet) to really understand what went on in those days. So they
parrot other sources that are often incorrect.
Both the Spyder and Jetfire were introduced after the regular '62 Chevies
and Oldses were introduced. Unfortunately, there was never a specific
introduction date to the public for either one. Both divisions were in a race to
be first with a turbocharged car. Some of the buff book writers and editors back
in the day even commented on the rush to introduce the turbos. And Chevy
engineers involved remember it that way.
Olds actually introduced the Jetfire to the media in the Fall of '61
(November, I think) but the cars didn't go into production until at least
April. Olds had production problems but I think their early press intro was done
to get the jump on Chevy and to make it appear that they were first.
The Spyder was first shown to the public at the Chicago Auto Show, which ran
February 17 to 25, 1962, where the new Vair convert was also first displayed.
But the Spyder wasn't officially announced to dealers until March 9th, which
meant they could begin ordering them then. The cars didn't arrive at
dealerships until April, though most contemporary sources report that Chevy had
Spyders in dealer showrooms before Olds dealers got Jetfires. In the end, the
two divisions were pretty closely tied in the turbo race.
Fortunately most writers in the recent GM 100th deluge seem to embrace the idea
that the divisions were tied. So revisionist history is now tending to be
correct, at least for the moment!
BTW, the Jetfire wasn't a bad design. In fact it worked pretty well. The
problem was getting owners to refill the turbo-rocket fluid reservoir. Plus the
engine had the corrosion problems that the 215 aluminum V8 had since it was
first introduced. The Jetfire was really a stopgap measure until the 1964 F-85 A
Bodies came along with a bigger, cast iron V8. After that, the Jetfire
wasn't needed.
Hope this helps,
-- "Dave Thompson" <dave.thompson at verizon.net> wrote:
Subject: <VV> Drive Your Corvair on Corvair's 49th
The most important date in Corvair history, many of us agree, is October
OK, Here's a history question;
What day were the 1962 Spyder introduced and what day was the Oldsmobile
Jetfire introduced? I heard the Spyder was early April and the Jetfire was
late April. Does anyone really know the actual dates?
For those who don't know, the jetfire also came out with a turbo in 63.
like to know if the Spyder was ACTUALLY the first production GM vehicle or
was the Jetfire.
Dave Thompson
63 Spyder vert
My Corsa is badly in need of tires. I've called numerous tires stores and
they don't have anything that will fit. Most of the tire manufacturer web
sites don't even list 13 inch tires.
So Clark's is now offering new P185/R80-13 radial tires (C12601). They say
they can't guarantee which brand, but the picture on their web site shows
"Hankook" name on the sidewall. Can an American Corvair be happy with
tires? Well, happier than with 20 year-old, irregularly worn P205/R70-13s
that aren't made anymore.
Comments? Even better would be comments from someone who has bought tires
recently. I realize it's another option, but I'm hoping to avoid
the wheels for now.
Robert Henry
On Oct 1, 2008, at 8:34 AM, Robert Henry wrote:
> My Corsa is badly in need of tires. I've called numerous tires
> stores and
> they don't have anything that will fit. Most of the tire
> manufacturer web
> sites don't even list 13 inch tires.
> So Clark's is now offering new P185/R80-13 radial tires (C12601).
> They say
> they can't guarantee which brand, but the picture on their web site
> shows
> "Hankook" name on the sidewall. Can an American Corvair be happy
> with Korean
> tires? Well, happier than with 20 year-old, irregularly worn P205/
> R70-13s
> that aren't made anymore.
> Comments? Even better would be comments from someone who has bought
> tires
> recently. I realize it's another option, but I'm hoping to avoid
> changing
> the wheels for now.
If you want good stock-type tires, the 185/80-13's are probably your
best bet for all-around street driving. It would be good to buy them
from Clark's since they support the hobby. I think Larry Claypool also
has them at the Vair Shop. They are very close in diameter to original
6.50-13's that would have come on your Corsa, if it is a '65. If you
have a '66, it would have come with larger 7.00-13's. Unfortunately,
there isn't really a replacement as large as the 7.00-13 available, so
even there, the 185/80-13 is your best bet.
If you were interested in some really original-type tires, 6.50-13's
have been reproduced as bias ply tires. These are available from Coker
Tire and other vintage vendors.
Work is being done to get the original 7.00-13's reproduced as a bias
ply tire but as of now, they aren't generally available. I say
"generally" because if you Google "7.00-13" you'll find
companies in the Far East listing them. But you're really on your own
if you decide to deal with them. They list them, but I don't know if
they really have them. They probably want you to buy a thousand of
them or something.
Personally, I wouldn't be happy with Korean tires, but they're better
than no tires.
Bruce W. Schug
Treasurer & Membership Chairman
CORSA South Carolina
Greenville, SC
Stock Corvair Group
Performance Corvair Group
bwschug at charter.net
CORSA member since 1980
'67 Monza. "67AC140"
Try your local Firestone dealer.
> From: robertkhenry at bellsouth.net
> To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
> Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 08:34:42 -0400
> Subject: <VV> Tires
> My Corsa is badly in need of tires. I've called numerous tires stores
> they don't have anything that will fit. Most of the tire manufacturer
> sites don't even list 13 inch tires.
> So Clark's is now offering new P185/R80-13 radial tires (C12601). They
> they can't guarantee which brand, but the picture on their web site
> "Hankook" name on the sidewall. Can an American Corvair be happy
with Korean
> tires? Well, happier than with 20 year-old, irregularly worn P205/R70-13s
> that aren't made anymore.
> Comments? Even better would be comments from someone who has bought tires
> recently. I realize it's another option, but I'm hoping to avoid
> the wheels for now.
> Robert Henry
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Guys, guys, guys...
Edie Adams sang for MURIEL cigars!
How could you forget it: "Why don't you pick one up and... smoke it
--Nonsmoker Bob (unless you count breathing Corvair heater smoke for 48 years)
At 08:34 AM 10/1/2008, Robert Henry wrote:
>So Clark's is now offering new P185/R80-13 radial tires (C12601). They
>they can't guarantee which brand, but the picture on their web site
>"Hankook" name on the sidewall. Can an American Corvair be happy
with Korean
Hankook tires seems to have decent acceptance in the market,
including from people knowledgeable about tires.
I haven't bought any for my Corvairs, but my motorhome was due for
new tires this Spring and faced with the prospect of buying six Load
Range E truck tires I found the Hankook offering to be a good deal.
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