<VV> radio question
chris c
ricorvair at cox.net
Tue May 6 10:01:43 EDT 2008
Where are you located. If its in RI bring it on buy and my girls can
help you put it in.
If not I ran the black to any ground...removed a bolt and crimped a
connector of the appropriate size and put it on that way, tucking the
wires out of sight.
Red - key on power. Ran that right to the fuse panel on the 65 and
crimped on a connector to attach to the radio fuse (mine had a nub to
slide the connector over).
Yellow - always on power. Same as above, but to a fuse panel location
that is always on.
An old computer case is just about wide enough to make a console, then
some delicate trimming and you should be mint.
pat whats-her-name wrote:
> Hello Guys......though I'm pretty good with cars, for a girl,but I'm not so good with electronics, so here is my question. For you guys that have installed after market radios or cd players/radios into your vairs, where would i hook the red, yellow and black wires to. the dash wiring in my car is currently a disaster and at some point, when I'm richer than I am now, i plan on a new dash harness (just did the whole engine harness and rear control arms so now I AM BROKE!) Just give me an idea where to hook these up to, without having to rip the mess under there out. (look, some fool has spliced in bell wire, because he or she was to cheap to buy the proper wire, to the car wiring to make repairs or whatever. Everything under there is a disaster. I won't even begin to tell you what is or is not working. I have finished building a console for my little Ladybug and have installed speakers into it for the cd player/radio. the player will be mounted under the ash tray as not to
> disturb the stock pushbutton am fm, which has no speaker at present.(Who knows what happened to that!!!) I am quite sure this little baby is quite better off with me!!! If anyone can help...Thanks
> p.a.b. have a great day
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