<VV> CORSA moving forward
Mel Francis
mfrancis at wi.rr.com
Sat May 3 12:03:57 EDT 2008
I agree Louis, Barry has some great observations!
One other thing, that might be added to the list of recommendations, is that
CORSA's longevity
might be well served if a coalition was arranged with other GM orphan clubs.
I also own a '77 V8 Monza, which I bought new, and would think that if folks
who owned Fieros, Vegas, Monzas
and all those H-body variants, Buick Reattas, Cad Allantes and any other GM
cast-offs you can think of,
were also openly invited and welcome to display and chat at Vair
get-togethers, you'd see overall attendance numbers pick up.
It would also help the cash flow of any vendors, too.
Try it sometime at one of your local chapter shows. I for one, would love to
see nice examples of all these cars in one place.
The thing that's important to me, is not where your engine is, or whether
it's air or water cooled, but where your brand loyalty is.
We are all GM guys, who appreciate the brand.
Unless some of us get with the times, CORSA will eventually become extinct
and cast-off, itself.
Mel Francis
'65 Monza convertible
----- Original Message -----
From: "Louis Armer" <carmerjr at mindspring.com>
To: "Barry Johnson" <barry.johnson at activant.com>
Cc: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 11:09 PM
Subject: <VV> YES Long BUT EXCELLENT: CORSA changes, e-Communique and
(mostly other) thoughts.(YES CORVAIR)
Excellent Post by Barry................. Barry's
points and observations are well thought out and
he has provided concise points and counter points
to many areas that we have to consider as we move
forward with CORSA. His post hits the mark on
many of the points and scores BULLSEYES on
others. All V V ers should save this post as a
reference for our current BOD and for future
BOD's to use as guide to decisions and discussions about the future of
Thank you Barry for your post.
Chuck Armer
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