<VV> Alignment Question

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Wed Mar 19 08:45:28 EDT 2008

Do not ever go back to these people. They know NOT what they are talking 
about. Outright lies on the part of "factory does not recommend". I do 
not know of any car manufacturer that would say that, even those using a 
solid rear as the solid rear needs to be aligned to the chassis for the 
car not to dog leg going down the road. This is called thrust angle in 
the alingnment world. Very important.

All Corvairs have alignment ability in the rear. And the late models 
like your Corsa are the easiest to see and understand. Both camber and 
toe are adjustable on the rear of a late.

Go to a real alignment shop, or at least a tire store with a real 
alignment technician.

Get a four wheel alignment.

There are books available from our vendors on how to align the Corvair. 
Phamplets actually. And the shop manual should get any technician 
through the steps. Most of the computer alignment machines have the 
Corvair data in them. Not that my local Firestone in Richmond could 
understand the pictures on the screen, but I digress.

Frank DuVal

OrchidEsquire at aol.com wrote:

>I have a 66 Corsa Convertible. I took it to get an alignment at a local  
>Firestone shop and they told me only the front gets aligned and that according  to 
>them the factory does not recommend any adjustments or alignment for the  
>rear. They also told me that rear does not get aligned because there  are no 
>parts to adjust. 
>I just want to make sure that they are correct and the rear does not get  
>aligned? If it does what gets adjusted and what are the settings?
>Joel Roth 
>Ft Lauderdale, FL
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