<VV> More info from Australia - Almost no Corvair at all!

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Fri Mar 14 08:48:17 EDT 2008

First day at Formula 1 in Melbourne, Australia. Wear ear plugs! F1 cars are 
loud! Oh and 102 degrees will cook you in the stands! Shade or not! We watched 
the F1cars in practice and a V8 Supercar race. In our exploration of the 
Albert Park site we found a company that converts US cars for Australian use. Cars 
newer than 30 years are required to be converted for Australian use, fully 
right hand drive. Older cars can be validated for brakes and lights, (Lights 
dropping to the left, rather than the right) but without conversion to RHD - So, 
Corvairs can be imported. The owner of the company showed us a converted new 
Corvette. I sat in the car’s right hand seat with all the drivers equipment 
handy. Really strange. PS – They get $59,995(AUS) to do the conversion. Beyond the 
price of the car. Ouch! I took several photos. And a word about the real 
Australian cars. Folks – GM and Ford are screwing us out of some great cars! I’m 
sure they could explain their reasons but lots of good cars are being held out 
of the US. Some US nameplates move here after dying in the US. There are new 
Luminas and Caprices around. The Holdens are pretty nice cars, and even the 
Ford sedans are gorgeous. And we celebrated Barbara’s birthday this evening. 
Tomorrow is F1 qualifying. – Seth Emerson   

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