<VV> CPF Museum

Mark Corbin airvair at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 12 00:18:40 EDT 2008

The key word here is ENDOWMENT. Without large endowment funds, no museum
could survive. What we need is an endowment fund large enough to pay for
ALL overhead, over and above that which has to purchase the facilities that
we would have for the collection. Once the Endowment Fund can cover all the
overhead, THEN we can truly have a self-sufficient museum. We would also be
one of the privileged few.


> [Original Message]
> Subject: <VV> CPF Museum
> As CPF Curator, I should be more positive but, I can't ever see us
> having our own museum.  Even if someone "gave" us a building, it costs
> lots of money to maintain a museum.  Jack Miller at our Ypsi museum says
> visitor admission fees don't even cover the electric bill let alone
> insurance, heat, water bill, wages,etc.  He recently spent $50,000
> installing a sprinkler system to meet city code.  Who would we get to
> stay at the museum 7 days a week to run it?  I'm curator for CPF and I
> only get to the museum a couple of times a year.  Jack is paid a salary
> to sit there waiting for the dozen or so people who may wander in on a
> given day.  To fund a museum you need endowments from rich people or the
> government.  Let's face it, Corvair people are at the bottom of the
> barrel wealth wise.  If we had any money we wouldn't be playing with
> rusty Corvairs!
> Clark Hartzel

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