<VV> witches brew
jvhroberts at aol.com
jvhroberts at aol.com
Sun Jul 27 11:10:14 EDT 2008
Don't use PVC either, acetone WILL attack it. Fortunately, your local
paint store has metal paint buckets cheap.
-----Original Message-----
From: John David Thomson <jdavethomson at shaw.ca>
To: John Kepler <jekepler at amplex.net>
Cc: Jim.McLott at DOR.GA.GOV; virtualvairs at corvair.org; Sethracer at aol.com
Sent: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 12:56 pm
Subject: Re: <VV> witches brew
You were right on with the Ed's Red info. A google found the following
information from Ed Harris himself.
CONTENTS: Ed's Red Parts Cleaner
· 1 part Dexron ATF, GM Spec. D-20265 or later.
· 1 part Kerosene - deodorized, K1
· 1 part Aliphatic Mineral Spirits
· CAS #64741-49-9, or substitute "Stoddard Solvent" mineral
spirits, CAS #8052-41-3, or equivalent.
· 1 part Acetone, CAS #67-64-1.
· (Optional 1 lb. of Lanolin, Anhydrous, USP per gallon, or OK
to substitute Lanolin, Modified, Topical Lubricant, from the drug
Mix outdoors, in good ventilation. Use a clean 1 gallon container
(metal, chemical-resistant, heavy gage PET or PVC plastic). NFPA
approved plastic gasoline storage containers are OK. Do NOT use HDPE,
which is permeable, because the acetone will slowly evaporate. Acetone
in ER will attack HDPE over time, causing the container to collapse,
making a heck of a mess!
Add the ATF first. Use the empty container to measure the
components, so that it is thoroughly rinsed. If you incorporate the
lanolin into the mixture, melt this carefully in a double boiler,
taking precautions against fire. Pour the melted lanolin it into a
larger container, rinsing the lanolin container with the bore cleaner
mix, and stirring until it is all dissolved. I recommend diverting up
to 4 ozs. per quart of the 50-50 ATF/kerosene mix to use as
"ER-compatible" gun oil. This can be done without impairing the
effectiveness of the remaining mix. Label and safety warnings follow:
Contents: petroleum distillates, surfactants, organometallic
antioxidants and acetone.
1. Flammable mixture, keep away from heat, sparks or flame.
2. FIRST AID, If swallowed DO NOT induce vomiting, call physician
immediately. In case of eye contact immediately flush thoroughly with
water and call a physician. For skin contact wash thoroughly.
3. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapors or spray mist.
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner
inconsistent which is inconsistent with its labeling. Reports have
associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents
with permanent brain and nervous system damage. If using in closed
areas lacking forced air ventilation wear respiratory protection
meeting NIOSH TC23C or equivalent. Keep container tightly closed when
not in use.
Dave - 68 Kelmark, 66 Corsa 140-4 Vert..........
----- Original Message -----
From: John Kepler <jekepler at amplex.net>
Date: Saturday, July 26, 2008 6:59 am
Subject: Re: <VV> witches brew
To: Sethracer at aol.com, Jim.McLott at DOR.GA.GOV, virtualvairs at corvair.org
> It's composed of equal
> parts of:
> mineral spirits or paint thinner
> automatic transmission fluid
> kerosene
> acetone
> Actually, this is the formula for "Ed's Red", a DIY gun-cleaning
> solventinvented by firearms expert/author, Ed Harris over 50
> years ago!
> John
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