<VV> Corvair Olympics
Bob Saunders
upnorth1 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 16:43:28 EDT 2008
AMSoil Used to be AMZOIL, Until Pennzoil got offended in 1972
Chaplain Bob
Superior, Wi, home of AMSOIL
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Mike Clark <mclark67 at charter.net> wrote:
> McDonalds has been doing this for years. Anything that comes out that
> starts with "Mc" gets hammered. They are worried someone will mistake the
> new thing for something McDonalds is putting out. I hate to tell them their
> stuff isn't that great that people really care.
> Volkswagen is another good one. They will denounce anything aircooled they
> put out years ago, but whoa nelly try using the word "bug" or "bus" in your
> advertising and their wolf-like lawyers will get ahold of you in an instant.
> So does this mean our cars aren't painted "Olympic" gold anymore?
> Mike Clark
> Stockbridge, Georgia
>> The same sort of thing is happening in the Mustang world. Ford is going
>> around suing people for using the name "Mustang" in their business...
>> what a crock!!
>> Ernie Sanders wrote:
>>> One of my best friends owns a muffler shop business. Probably 20 or more
>>> stores. 20 years ago or more he was sued and had to change the name of
>>> the company. It was Olympic Muffler and was changed to Olympco. Ernie
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