<VV> XL100

Rick Loving ral1963 at comcast.net
Sun Jan 27 20:25:52 EST 2008

Alright, I'm hooked.  I mean hook line and sinker....
 I realize it isn't close to April 1st but I'll jump in with both feet

I have all the literature, old and new, listened to every old timers
story and tale about GM proto type this and prototype that...I have a
whole collection of stuff.

I have newer heard of the XL-100.  I scanned the pictures very
carefully, looking for any hint of photochopping or other editing and
couldn't find any.

Is this truly a GM one of kind extended FC or a home built?

Can anyone with any real story behind this vehicle please write up
something for us( or at least send me an email telling me I've been
duped and to wipe the egg off my face)

Please help set me straight on this....

Rick Loving

-----Original Message-----
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: <VV> XL100

Hi everyone, I hope all of you have had a chance to look at the 
pictures that Scott Trunkhill posted at http://corvair.us/e/XL-100 .
You will notice that the rear fixed windows are elongated to 
compensate for the additional 5" in wheelbase length. I thought GM
was rather clever, in using 0ver 40 years ago, what we know all know 
to mean extra length (XL) and the play on the 100 versus
95 for the regular FC line. This apparently was an attempt to compete 
with Ford's extended Econoline trucks of the same era.
Unfortunately like everything else Corvair, the idea was abandoned 
when the FC line production ceased.


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