<VV> Has the Economic Downturn Changed your Corvair Plans?

Gary Swiatowy gswiatowy at rochester.rr.com
Tue Dec 23 20:56:55 EST 2008

Question 1, define Normal?
I may do the Recall in Syracuse, still waiting to see if their is a Four 
Clubs meet in 09, Florida is too far for me, local Corvair 
stuff............for sure!

Will I complete Corvair Projects I started 6 months ago..............I've 
got unfinished projects waaaaaay older than that! Luckily they are all 
improvements to the existing fleet as all 4 of my vairs are driveable. Got 
some unfinished project on my non-vairs too. It is more about time than it 
is the economy. And I am too frugal to hire someone else to do the work.

Add to my fleet? Just bought a 77 Lincoln Continental Mark V..............a 
deal I could not pass up! The right car, the right price, who knows what 
will come along next! Still dream of a Lakewood, or a Rampside.

Drive Corvairs More or less..................so many cars, so little time! 
depends on the weather!

Overall picture! When gas was over $4 a gallon, I drove the Corvairs to more 
shows and cruises than my Dodge or my T-Bird.
My overall picture revolves more around time available than the economy. 
Then again, I live in NY, and everything is going up including 
registrations, and other fees.
I may not be able to afford to breath here in NY.

Gary Swiatowy

> From: Matt Nall <patiomatt at aol.com>
> Subject: <VV> Has the Economic Downturn Changed your Corvair Plans?
> Will you attend your "Normal" Covair Meets?
> Will you complete the 2009 projects you planned 6 months ago?
> Do you see this as an "opportunity" to add to your fleet?
> Will you DRIVE your Corvairs, More or Less?
> Not looking for "tales of woe", just an overall "picture"
> Matt Nall
> Hanging out in SoCal for a while..

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