<VV> Question? Re: voltmeter problem solved

FrankCB at aol.com FrankCB at aol.com
Mon Aug 11 15:31:37 EDT 2008

    Why does a voltmeter need a battery in the meter  case in order to 
measure external voltage???  Measuring resistance does  need an internal battery, 
but what function does the same battery serve in  measuring an external VOLTAGE?
    Frank "old, but still trying to learn"  Burkhard
In a message dated 8/11/2008 2:50:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
latin81 at comcast.net writes:

Thanks  to whoever suggested that the battery in my voltmeter might be low, 
and  that that could be the reason that I was getting weird readings when I  
tried to measure my battery voltage with the motor running.   Bingo!  Down 
around 8 volts.  A new battery solved the  problem.

Thanks again!

John McMahon

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