<VV> Corvair Oilympics

PatioMatt at aol.com PatioMatt at aol.com
Mon Aug 4 19:55:12 EDT 2008

In a message dated 8/4/2008 4:19:23 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
vairologist at verizon.net writes:

sez Smitty:
So because of double drivers Spike survived 40 t0 50 laps at Putnam  Park, 
maybe 15 runs down the strip at Muncie, and 10 runs of the autocross  course.  
Still sounds like a contented Pussy Cat.    Long Live  the GM engineers who 
designed the engine.

I'll bet it has a lot to do with the current owner...and the fact he  won't 
let any of the other BBRT  members touch it!! LOL!

Matt  Nall
All Vairs!
_http://members.aol.com/patiomatt_ (http://members.aol.com/patiomatt) 
somewhere  between Sea Mountain and Coos Bay.  OR.

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