<VV> Cylinder head temp thermister

Dave Thompson dave.thompson at verizon.net
Mon Apr 21 01:34:21 EDT 2008

If I remember correctly, the resistance of the thermistor at room temp is
around 8000 ohms and drops considerably as the temp increases.  


Thanks for the info. The 8000 ohms was what I was looking for. I did
understand how the thermister works. I guess that I didn't express myself
properly. Now that I know what to expect, I will be able to perform a better
test. I also plan to use my resistance substitute box to check the gauge.
It's looking like the thermister is bad.

Anyone got a thermister for sale at a good price? Perhaps we might be able
to trade some parts? Write me off list.

Thanks to all!

Dave Thompson
Dave.thompson at verizon.net

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