<VV> Flexplate on PG

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Fri Apr 18 10:24:34 EDT 2008

Most likely why it was parked! We recently hada guy suffer with it for 
almost 1 yr...he even supplied video / sound...to no avail.... finally 
a friend recognized the sound...

Matt Nall
Webspace: http://members.aol.com/patiomatt

-----Original Message-----
From: cfm <cfmann at yahoo.com>

Yesterday afternoon I took the forward engine shroud off and gained 
access to
the "hole" in the bell housing topside, and a low and behold! Sure as 
there was the first of three bolts, completely loose. I turned the 
balancer by
hand with a wrench and rotated to the next one, bingo!, another one 
loose, and
turning to the third one, not as bad but loose as all heck.
So I snugly tightened them all down, and presto the noise is gone, the
clattering is gone now. Now it just doesn't want to start. LOL. So I am
troubleshooting, yet another problem. (see my next posting about 
electronic fuel
Thank you again everyone (again) for all the tidbits and advice. I am 
doing all
that I can to get this 69 convertible on the road again. This "youngin" 
enjoying every minute of this!

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