<VV> Corvairs and Car Shows

Bob Saunders upnorth1 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 19:00:38 EDT 2008

Head of the Lakes Corvair club just finished a weekend at the WORLD OF
WHEELS  car show in Duluth, MN.  there were 9 vehicles there. I'll let Ron
tell you more about it, but we are pretty proud...

Chaplain Bob

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Bill Kronen <billpat at telusplanet.net>

> The discussion about where we take our Vairs and with whom we show them
> has been interesting......given the fact that many of us are the only
> Corvair owner for many miles around. If I didn't go with our local
> Western Wheels Car Club (definitely a mixed group) to area Show and
> Shines and Cruises, there would be no place to go.  I suspect this may
> be true for many of us. Seems to me its not a question of either/or but
> both/and. The reaction to my 63 Spyder convertible has been generally
> positive (except for a guy who once stated, 'that car is a piece of
> crap') and always gets more questions than many pristine cars I often
> park beside. Its nice to be the only Corvair present and to be able to
> dispel the many myths that persist to this day as well as inform the
> later generation who are often amazed that such cars existed.  Still
> remember the young man who couldn't believe that the car had a
> TurboCharger, and it works.  Corvair only gatherings are great.....but
> so are the mixed shows.
> Bill Kronen
> Rocky Mt. House, AB
> 63 Spyder,Vert -  66 Monza Coupe
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