<VV> RE: Head milling

craig nicol nicolcs at aol.com
Thu Sep 13 09:40:50 EDT 2007

Mark said: That was the whole point in what I had done. BOTH the heads and
pistons were milled accordingly by Warren, so that the compression would
remain the same. So the only thing left is to blame today's lousy gas for
the dieseling.

Craig sez: It sounds like all the right things were done. Regular fuel is
more volatile than premium and residual head (perhaps the edge of the head
gasket, if it's steel, or the edge of a spark plug thread remains hot enough
after the ignition is off to set off the fuel and cause dieseling.  Milling
or not won't change that and this is nothing new. This all seemed to start
back in the 70's when engines began to be recalibrated for emissions.
Dieseling is not a regular Corvair issue since the motors predate those
changes.  If you are experiencing run-on, I would speculate that there's a
minor miscalibration in your engine's timing or idle setting or possibly hot
spots in the combustion chamber.  Again, milling or not wouldn't affect
run-on AFIK.  Other than the dieseling, it sounds like a pretty nice motor!

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