<VV> Special 1 year only colors...

Kent Sullivan kentsu at corvairkid.com
Mon Oct 29 02:07:55 EST 2007


Don't forget that Canadian production was different, at least in some years.
I researched this for '65 and '66. There are substantial differences for
'66. Thanks to Gary Aube for hosting the info on his web site:


-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Russ Moorhouse
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 9:34 PM
To: VV; ral1963 at comcast.net
Subject: <VV> Special 1 year only colors...


In the back of "The Corvair Decade" on page 140-141, everything you are
looking for is there for all years.  Some times the Paint code or RPO No.
are the same number, but the names are different, however when you look at
the actual number for that paint Manufacturer you will see that there was
obviously a difference in the formulation, since none of them were the same
other than those listed below.  Some that even had the same name and paint
code in consecutive years, did not have the same paint formulation, so the
manufacturer had different numbers for the paint from one year to the other.
For instance:  1963 Palomar Red with a code of  948, the Lucite # was 4289L.
In 1964, using the same name and paint code, the Lucite# was 4389LM, so for
all intents and purposes, this paint was different for each year.

Since the majority of the paints were different each year, it would be
easier to list the ones that were exactly the same and what years they were

Tuxedo Black - 1960-69
Laurel Green - 1962-1963
Silver Blue - 1962-1964
Azure Aqua - 1963 - 1964
Autumn Gold - 1962 - 1963
Ember Red - 1962-1963
Roman Red - 1960 - 1962
Coronna Cream - 1961-1962
Saddle Tan - 1963-1964
Ermine White - 1960-1968
Adobe Beige - 1962-1963
Sateen Silver - 1960-1961
Honduras Maroon - 1961-1962
Mist Blue - 1965-1966
Danube Blue - 1965-1966
Willow Green - 1965-1966
Artesian Turquoise - 1965-1966
Madeira Maroon - 1965-1967
Regal Red - 1965-1966
Cameo Beige - 1965-1966
(Butternut) - 1967-1968  No idea why this was listed in Parens.  Only one
paint mfg listed for this paint- Ditzler

There you have it.  Other than these 21 paints, all the paint colors were
one year only.  Check it out for your self in Corvair Decade.  If I missed
one, don't shoot me, it 12:30 AM and I'm not functioning at my best.

Russ Moorhouse 
'65 Corsa coupe 140 HP
Group Corvair Member
Corsa Member
Kent Island, MD

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