<VV> Lower shrouds

Dennis PLEAU ddpleau at msn.com
Mon Nov 12 20:54:41 EST 2007

I found a better solution for all you who like to have the free flowing cooling of removing the shrouds in the summer and then replacing them in the winter to get some heat.  I learned this trick from Dave Huntoon (sp?) from Corvairs of New Mexico.  He took a Greenley punch which is usually used by electricians and punched 3 round holes in each lower shroud.  I can't remember the exact size but is was around 1 3/4".  In the summer he leaves the holes open and in the summer he pops "goof plugs" in.  Theses are the flat round plugs with all the fingers.  While 1 3/4 would only give 7.2 ^2". that is about 50% of the existing damper door and it is straight down.    The switch to summer/winter can be accomplished in less than 10 minutes.

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