<VV> Corvair Cooling Fan adapted on Type 4

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Tue May 29 09:48:12 EDT 2007

I guess that ends trying to set those magnesium fans on fire. LOL


Tamias Metis wrote:
> Here is a very interesting  thread from  The Type 4rum  , a  site similar to this  &  corvaircenter  that  is focused on VW Type 4.      Someone from Texas is building a high performance Type 4 engine  and has found that the  Corvair fan set up  will work nicely with his dry sump set up and optimize both cooling and packaging.  It mentions that someone else had  previously  done it.  This could start the 914 crowd  driving the prices of cooling fans up to crazy levels like the Corvette people after telescopic columns.  Could N.O.S. riveted flywheels be next?  Here is the link and there is one picture showing what  he's going to use: http://www.shoptalkforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=108824&sid=41ce27488282ca92a344ef8635def8ea        If you would like to see the most current postings on The Type 4rum  click  on :  http://www.shoptalkforums.com/viewforum.php?f=1       Lastly, here is  another link that has much info about the Type 4:  http://tunacan.net/t4/       Well at least its
>  aircooled and rear engined...           Tamias  Metis

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