<VV> Cruise to Freedom Hill

Mike Jacobi mvjacobi at comcast.net
Mon May 28 09:29:07 EDT 2007


This memorial day our local county park is hosting the 80% size traveling
vietnam memorial, the "TRAVELING WALL"

There is a big motorcycle cruise in to the park to mark this occasion, and I
plan to drive there..not in a cycle, but in the Monza vert.

If you happen to live in the Detroit area and would like to join me in your
vair, its all happening at 2PM.....not a party, just a show of respect.

The park, Freedom Hill, is on 16 Mile Road between Schoenherr and Garfield.

Here is a link to take you to an explanation of why Memorial Day is more
than picnics and pools.

> http://shock.military.com/Shock/videos.do?displayContent=136019&page=3&ESRC=do
> d-b.nl 
> <http://shock.military.com/Shock/videos.do?displayContent=136019&amp;page=3&am
> p;ESRC=dod-b.nl> 

Mike in Michigan

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