<VV> cleaning oil coolers

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Mon May 14 16:14:17 EDT 2007

I have always used lacquer thinner to clean out oil coolers.   They 
have always come clean with a minimum of hassle, no problems.    I 
spray 'em out with some carb cleaner to flush out old oil and then 
blow them out with air, then fill 'em with cheap clean-up lacquer 
thinner, let soak overnight in a small bucket (a big coffee can seems 
to do OK) of same, then pour out a little and shake the cooler like 
mixing a cocktail (cover the holes with your fingers or else), drain, 
blow out with air again, refill, let sit some more, shake and pour 
and blow out, repeat a third time after which it's almost always 
spotless clean.    You can do it in your spare time, before you need 
a clean cooler.

I've not had any problems cleaning a cooler or a carb or much of 
anything else like this.      Ya gotta love cheapo cleanup lacquer 
thinner.     By the way, the outside comes out as clean as the inside.


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