<VV> Used 12 plate oil cooler - not so cool
rusecular at yahoo.com
Sat May 12 13:22:54 EDT 2007
or try the folded fin...almost the same size (VERY cool) and
with a side plate (you could easily make one for the left
bank), one could hardly see the difference at
trailer queen shows :))
Tony I.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron" <ronh at owt.com>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>; "Stephen Upham" <contactsmu at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Used 12 plate oil cooler - not so cool
> One bad 12 plate cooler doesn't indicate that all of them are bad. In fact,
> I've used several and have never seen one like yours. Pick another one out
> of the pile and chances are that it'll be fine.
> RonH
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephen Upham" <contactsmu at sbcglobal.net>
> To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
> Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 6:59 AM
> Subject: <VV> Used 12 plate oil cooler - not so cool
>> I just received my "new" used 12 plate oil cooler that had been
>> chemically treated and pressure checked by the vendor. I shook it and
>> heard the distinct sound of loose debris inside. I collected the debris
>> that fell out and ran a super magnet though it. No good, as the magnet
>> now looks like it could use a shave. Conclusion, I seriously doubt that
>> any used oil cooler can be sufficiently cleaned to prevent this type of
>> occurrence and now, I'm almost certain that this is the source of the
>> iron debris that showed up during my pressure check that caused me to
>> have to completely tear down and throughly clean the engine AGAIN. I had
>> personally cleaned that one by using the hot paint thinner method until
>> the thinner ran clear (not a process for the faint of heart), having
>> engine cleaner ran through it and blown out under pressure, using
>> pressurized water to blow and reverse blow it out and then pressurized
>> air to blow out the moisture.
>> So... now I'm pretty sure that I need to go the after-market cooler route
>> even though I would prefer the original.
>> I noticed that the right coast vendor has one for sale, but I don't know
>> what other options I have down this alley. I know that I'll have to
>> force air though it and so a plenum mount would be my first choice
>> although I'm open to any suggestions that are located in the engine
>> compartment.
>> Stephen U
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