<VV> Plea for help (possibly)

nicolcs at aol.com nicolcs at aol.com
Tue Mar 27 19:31:22 EST 2007

I've purchased a '68 Solar Sprint that's in Rogersville, Mo and I've contracted with a shipper to move it to Coeur d'Alene Id.  Here's the rub, the shipper can't guarantee exactly when he can pick it up (should be any day now) but the seller is moving on Sunday and doesn't have storage space for the Corvair after Saturday.  Does anyone know of 1) a very reliable Corvair person in Springfield Mo who would be willing to store the car for a week or so if it doesn't get picked up by the shipper?  OR 2) A similarly relaible person in the KC area who would be willing to go to Rogersville Mo. ( a 2.5 to 3 hour drive) and bring the car back to my brother's house in KC?   I have to have a back-up plan in case the shipper doesn't get the car this week.  Anyone willing to help me out? (I expect to compensate this person for their time, BTW)
Thanks in advance,
Craig Nicol
65,66,67, (68)
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