<VV> Painting of push rod tubes

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Sun Mar 25 01:33:52 EST 2007

In a message dated 3/24/2007 9:16:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time,  
kwoodke at comcast.net writes:

Yikes I  just flew through four email blasts to see if anyone replied as I 
am. I think  some of you have forgotten Mr Finch's reason to paint half the 
tube. It was to  insulate the tube from heat from the exhaust tube.  That is why 
painting  of the side toward the exhaust and why use VHT which is an insulating 
paint.  It was not to increase "heat radiation" in fact the opposite.

Is it a  miracle cure? I don't know but it makes perfect sense and next time 
I have my  engine apart I will do it.

Making the punishment fit the crime! This is so obvious. Paint the upper  
half of each tube black to give off more heat to the oncoming air, then  paint 
the lower half white - with insulating VHT, to prevent absorption of  the 
manifold heat. Then remember how to orient them when you install them. Also,  if you 
actually have time to do this - you have too much time on your hands! -  Seth

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