<VV> Painted push rod tubes

AeroNed at aol.com AeroNed at aol.com
Sat Mar 24 22:29:57 EST 2007

Ah, the paint or not to paint push rod tubes debate. Maybe we can just stay  
with earlies versus lates or points versus electronic ignitions, etc.
Colors, like black and white do effect heat conductivity, specifically  
radiant heating. Most people associate radiant heating with solar energy and yes  
that is one type of radiant heating. A reflective metallic film or coat of 
white  paint can reduce thermal radiation, black paint will increase thermal 
radiation.  Some materials are good insulators using one heat-transfer mechanism, 
but poor  insulators using another. For example, metals tend to be excellent 
radiative  insulators, but poor thermal (conductive) insulators. For the PR 
tubes, painting  the halves near the exhaust outlet pipes white reduces the 
radiant heating of  the tubes (and the oil inside).
This is not my opinion. It is the laws of thermodynamics that makes it so.  A 
search of the Internet will find plenty of sites that explain it.

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